Organizational climate and job satisfaction in municipal workers of a Populated Center in the season of the Coastal Child, Trujillo, 2023




organizational climate, job satisfaction, job opportunity, job recognition


In the present study, the main objective was: to analyze the relationship of the organizational climate and job satisfaction in municipal public servants of a Populated Center in the season of the Coastal Child, Trujillo, 2023; taking as theoretical support the contributions of Koys & Decotiss (1991) and the contributions of Meliá et al., (1990), Bravo et al (1996). Research with a quantitative approach and correlational scope, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. A census sample of 37 individuals, valid and reliable instruments were applied. As a result of the study, an average positive correlation was obtained with a Rho = 0.446 and p = 0.01 between both variables, concluding that a greater organizational climate in the municipality of the populated center, the job satisfaction of the servers will increase in seasons of the Niño Costero, Trujillo, 2023.


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How to Cite

Alfaro Oliva, J. E. (2023). Organizational climate and job satisfaction in municipal workers of a Populated Center in the season of the Coastal Child, Trujillo, 2023. La Junta Magazine, 6(2), 82–99.