Challenges of Government Accounting towards Transparency, Ethical Compliance and Sustainability




government accounting, public sector governance, sustainability, integrity


Public sector accounting faces new challenges for the generation of accrual-based

accounting information. However, in this segment of accounting not only is work being done to improve the quality of government financial information, but it must also consider current non-financial reporting requirements that include issues such as transparency, ethical compliance, and compliance. sustainability, as priority axes for accountability. In this sense, at the international level there are different initiatives that the different state entities, both national and at each of their levels, need to incorporate both in the management and in the accounting information generation systems. An exploratory methodology is applied that is aimed at detecting and critically analyzing the globally accepted documents issued on the subject by various international organizations and institutions that have been making their contributions in relation to higher quality public governance. Among the documents analyzed are those issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Public Sector Accounting Standard Board (IPSASB) and the World Bank. Honesty, ethics and transparent accountability are focused. Emphasis is placed on the importance of convergence towards guidelines that can be adopted by all nations for comparable, efficient and effective management, which responds to the needs of the community and is in dialogue with all groups interested in management. public. It informs about good governance strategies and sustainable development within the framework of public management. A contribution is provided in relation to the measurement and disclosure of information, highlighting the evolution of government accounting towards new dimensions of quality management.


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How to Cite

Scavone, G., & Sanabria, V. (2023). Challenges of Government Accounting towards Transparency, Ethical Compliance and Sustainability. La Junta Magazine, 6(2), 41–52.