Tax planning as a management instrument and its importance in fiscal risk




Strategic planning, tax planning, fiscal risk, macroeconomic stability


This research work has been developed with the objective of demonstrating the benefits of tax planning, as well as the effects in terms of fiscal risk, understood as a mechanism that seeks macroeconomic stability and social equity. As is known, tax planning is a management tool that facilitates any mechanism to project the activities of the institutions in search of achieving their primary objectives, so through it all the necessary forms are reflected to guide those responsible. of the management of an institution for the present case of financial institutions. The good use and application of strategic planning will therefore allow those responsible for the economic and financial management of public or private entities to avoid unnecessary risks, seeking to achieve macroeconomic stability and social equity. The population under study
is made up of public and private entities that are in charge of managing public and private funds, which by their very nature are exposed to risks such as the following. Currency risks, liquidity risks, market risks, interest rate risks and similar. The study is of an exploratory or descriptive type, under a non-experimental design and with regard to research procedures and techniques; to data collection. Its design is Non- Experimental, since it cannot manipulate variables or generalize results and likewise its study is aimed at working with events that have already occurred in their natural context. Regarding research procedures and techniques; As a procedure, the collection of information is used as part of the argumentation of this work, and as for the techniques, documentary analysis is used, which is used to analyze the documents and standards related to the practice of financial management in all its aspects. extension. The completion of this research work is justified by the importance of strategic planning as a discipline and management instrument to avoid financial risks in entities that manage public and private funds under their different characteristics and seek social economic well-being.


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How to Cite

Azabache De La Cruz, P. N., & Villanueva Amoroto, E. J. (2023). Tax planning as a management instrument and its importance in fiscal risk. La Junta Magazine, 6(2), 114–130.

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