Analysis of self-generated intangibles and their accounting recognition




self-generated intangibles, measurement, disclosure, value creation


Self-generated intangibles are new creators of business value and they are currently sources of competitive advantage. The financial statements do not disclose information directly on this type of intangible, which generates asymmetries between the book value of an entity, and the perception of its value according to the market. Given this situation, this scientific research aims to analyze whether the information about self-generated intangibles, based on the creation of value for an organization, can be, better recognized in the information that an entity communicates to its stakeholders. The methodology used consisted of the review of the existing conceptual framework in relation to self-generated assets, the critical review of different doctrinal positions in this regard, and the proposal of an approach to an accounting model that provides reasonable information for adequate decision-making, mitigating asymmetries, between accounting and the best value of an entity perceived by the market. In this way, there are multiple possible accounting treatments to follow with self-generated intangibles in order to achieve the disclosure of the fair value of a company. The range of recognition can cover both a conditional recognition, a variation of the recognition threshold, and the recognition of assets through a continuous evaluation process, reaching mandatory and expanded disclosures in the financial statements, such as measurements about the sustainability of the entity.


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How to Cite

Scavone, G., & Marchesano, M. (2022). Analysis of self-generated intangibles and their accounting recognition. La Junta Magazine, 5(1), 11–27.